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Twidor - The Twiddler Tutor

Modifications to the default will only work with the precompiled jar package, or the source packages. The precompiled exe and mac bundle do not play nicely with being modified.

Keymap Replacment
Just put a Twiddler1 keymap format file (example here: keymap.txt) in the same directory as your jar.

Be warned: the logic for putting the letters on the buttons is designed to work with the default keymap, or simple variations thereof. If you use a radically different one, the letters are not guaranteed to be correct, but the highlighting will. Just turn the letter faces off with the Twiddler menu option.

Lesson Plan changes
Create a file "lessons.txt" in the same directory as your jar file. Format it like the default: lessons.txt.

The resulting lessons also need to be in the same directory: lesson1.txt.

The maximum length of a phrase should be about 42 characters. Longer than that, and it will show "...." instead of the phrase.


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