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Kent Lyons

Original a HOWTO for Ubicomp Spring 00

This document is aimed at getting you up and running with the setup in the FCLab for the PIC micro-controllers including the types of PICs in the lab, and how to program them with the lab equipment.

1. Introduction

2. PIC

3. The Lab Setup

4. The Programming Environment

5. The PIC C Compiler

6. An Example

1. Introduction

This HOWTO gives a basic overview of the type of PICs that are available and what we normally have in the lab. It describes the development environment in the lab and how to use the hardware for programming and erasing PICs. It also gives an overview on the special aspects of the C compiler we use for the PICs. Finally there is a simple program showing the basics needed for a simple application.

This HOWTO assumes the reader knows C. It would help to have some background knowledge of micro-controllers. This howto does not describe what to do with the PIC once you program it and doesn't describe how to build circuits with the PIC.

2. PIC

The PIC micro-controller is made by Microchip. There are lots of different flavors that have features ranging over the amount of RAM, program ROM, the type of ROM used (EPROM, EEPROM), and the types and numbers of onboard peripherals such as UARTs for serial, timers, and analog to digital converters.

The PICs we normally have in the lab are the PIC16C77 and PIC16F84.

2.1 16C77

The PIC16C77 (Datasheet) comes in several packages. We have the 40 pin PDIP for easy prototyping in breadboards. It has 8192x14 words of program memory and 368x8 bytes of data ram, a max speed of 20MHz, 33 digital I/O ports 8 8-bit ADC, serial I/O hardware for USART, I2C, and SPI. 2 Pulse width modulators, brown out detection, 3 timers + the watchdog timers. The program data is stored in EPROM so to reprogram the PIC it needs to be erased with the UV eraser. This PIC pretty much has a little bit of everything and lots of memory and I/O. This makes it rather easy to prototype when you don't know exactly what you need.

Picture of a 16c77. Pin 1 is on the left.

The pinout for the 16c77

2.2 16F84

The PIC16F84 (Datasheet) also comes in several packages and we have the 18 pin PDIP. This PIC has 1024x14 words of program memory and 68x8 bytes of data ram. It has a max speed of 10 MHz (20MHz for the 16F84a) 13 digital I/O ports, 1 timer and the watchdog timer. It has much less than the '77 but is smaller and uses less power. This PIC uses flash memory to store the program instead of EPROM. As a result you do not have to erase it with the UV eraser. The PIC programmer clears the PIC when it is reprogrammed.
Although this PIC does not have the hardware to support a serial connection the C compiler we have has functions to emulate the serial hardware in software.

Picture of a 16f84. Pin 1 is on the left.

The pinout for the 16f84

3. The Lab Setup

3.1 The PIC Station

In the FCLab we have a Win95 laptop setup to program the PIC micro-controllers. It has Microchip's MPLab development software and the CCS PIC C compiler. The laptop is connected to a PICSTART Plus programmer (we currently have 3 programmers total).

The PIC station

The PICSTART Plus programmer is attached to the serial port of the laptop.

Near the laptop is also the UV eraser. This device has an ultra-violet light that clears EPROMs and is the device used to erase the PC16C77.

3.2 Other Lab Resources

We also have all of the basic support hardware to get the PICs up and running. This includes 5 volt regulators, crystals, and lots of LEDs. We also have the hardware needed to get the PIC to talk to a 'normal' PC rs232 serial port. We also have other random parts, but any other hardware that you need for your project would probably need to be ordered.

4. The Programming Environment

MPLAB is an IDE supplied by Microchip that supports plug in compilers and talks to the PIC programmer. It has a built in editor, talks to the compiler and lets you program your PIC.

4.1 Making a new Project

Projects are used to keep files together and store the settings (like what chip you are using) together.

Important note: In order to keep all of your files together and to prevent someone from accidently erasing/moving your files keep all of your PIC related projects and code in the c:\pic-code directory on the laptop. In that directory make a new subdirectory with your name. For example the dir c:\pic-code\kent has all of my files in it.

The step by step process to create a project:
This may seem kind of ugly but I have tried to be as explicit as possible in describing the steps needed to make a new project because some of the steps are very non-intuitive.

To make a new project choose the menu 'Project', and then 'New Project' That pops up a dialog asking for a new project name. Go to the correct directory (c:\pic-code\foo\bar) and give it name. This must be of the 8.3 dos filename convention.

The 'Edit Project' dialog box appears next.

The processor for the project is listed under 'Development Mode'. To select a different processor press the 'Change...' button.

In the dialog box leave the 'Development Modes' as 'Editor Only' and use the 'Processor' combo box to select the micro-controller you are using for your project (PIC16F84, PIC16C77, etc). Once you have the correct processor push the 'Reset' button.

Next select the 'Language Tool Suite'. This chooses the compiler to use. For this HOWTO I am going to assume the CCS compiler is used. So, in the combo box select the 'CCS' option.

Now comes the strange part, adding a source code file to the project. In the 'Project Files' list box click on the line that says 'foo [.hex]' where foo is your project name. Once that happens, the 'Node Properties' button becomes active.

Push the 'Node Properties' button. That pops up a dialog. On that dialog push 'OK'. Now back on the 'Edit Project' dialog the 'Add Node' button is now enabled.

Push the 'Add Node' button and use the dialog box to select your source code file. Push 'OK'. And push 'OK' again on the 'Edit Project' dialog and you are done.

You now have a new project with a source code file in it. The first thing you probably should do is save the project. To do so select the 'Project' menu and then 'Save Project'. If for some reason you need to change any of those options latter (or in an existing project) you can get to them through 'Edit Project' on the 'Project' menu. You would need to do this if, for instance, you decided to use a different micro-controller.

4.2 Programming a PIC

Using MPLAB to program your PIC:
Luckily programming your PIC is much easier than creating a project.

To compile your project select 'Make Project' from the 'Project' menu.
This will pop up a window listing errors if there are any.

Once your code has been successfully compiled you are ready to put it on the PIC. Select 'Enable Programmer' for the 'Picstart Plus' menu.

This will show an error dialog if the programmer is off or not connected to the serial port.

If there is no error 2 dialogs will appear, 'PICSTART Plus Device Programmer' and 'Configuration Bits'.

At this point insert the PIC you wish to program into the programmer. Make sure pin 1 is at the top (lever side) of the programmer!

In the 'PICSTART Plus Device Programmer' dialog make sure that the Device is correct. Also make sure that the 'Configuration Bits' match what you have in your program.
'Program' downloads the code into the PIC.
'Blank' verifies that the PIC is blank.
'Read' retrieves the code from a programmed PIC.
'Verify' makes sure the code on the PIC is correct.

While the code is being transfered a status dialog will be shown counting through the program memory.

This dialog also warns if there were any errors in the programming process.

5. The PIC C compiler

The C compiler we have is made by Custom Computer Services (CCS). They have a rather good compiler (info here) but their documentation is lacking. This next section tries to make up for that. A good chunk of the following info on the built in functions and directives came from the help built into the compiler. Hopefully this document explains things a little better and it is in a much better format. :) How to get to the raw help is at the end of this section.

5.1 Preprocessor Directives

This directive sets the configuration for the processor. For the processors we typically use (the 16F84 and 16C77) it has options to select the type of clock (LP, XT, HS, RC), if the watchdog time should be used (NOWDT, WDT), if the power up timer should be used (NOPUT, PUT) and if the code should be protected (PROTECT, NOPROTECT). The 16C77 also has the option to use brownout (NOBROWNOUT, BROWNOUT) and extra code protection options (PROTECT_75% and PROTECT_50%).

ALWAYS use NOPROTECT!!! Protecting the device burns out a fuse on the IC and wont let you reprogram the chip, EVER.

The string I usually use and the one you probably should use unless you know what you are doing is: #fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,PUT This uses a high speed xtal (the type we have), no watchdog, no code protect, and waits to make sure the device is powered up before starting to execute code.

The next batch of directives specify a function as an interrupt function. An interrupt function may not have any parameters and all local variables are automatically made static. An interrupt function may not call a separate function. When the interrupt is triggered, the function will get called. #INT_EXT #INT_RTCC #INT_RB #INT_AD #INT_EEPROM #INT_TIMER1 #INT_TIMER2 #INT_CCP1 #INT_CCP2 #INT_SSP #INT_PSP #INT_TBE #INT_RDA #INT_COMP

I/O directives
The compiler will generate code to make the I/O pin either input or output every time it is used.
Example: #use standard_io(A)

#use FAST_IO
This will cause the compiler to perform I/O without programming the direction register. Use set_tris_X() to set the direction for port X where X can be a, b or c
Example: #use FAST_IO(A)

The compiler generates code to set the I/O pin for input or output each time it is used. However, unlike STANDARD_IO, the pins are programmed according to the directive, not how they are actually used. (This saves a byte of ram per port compared to standard I/O).
Example: #use FIXED_IO(a_outputs=PIN_A2,PIN_A3)

#use DELAY
This tells the compiler the speed of the processor and enables the use of the built in functions DELAY_MS and DELAY_US
Example: #use DELAY(clock=10000000) // 10MHz clock

#use RS232
This directive tells the compiler the baudrate and pins to use for serial I/O. The USE DELAY directive must appear before this directive can be used. This enables the built in in functions GETCH and PUTCHAR to be used. The directive can have an optional RESTART_WDT that would cause GETC() to clear the WDT as it waits for input. The polarity of the pins can be inverted with INVERT. This is can be useful when connecting to another TTL level serial device. Parity can be set with PARITY=x where x is N, E, or O. If the micro-controller has a built in UART and the pins specified correspond to the UART then it will be used. (However, the INVERT option does not work in this case). If there is no UART the compiler will generate code to emulate the UART. If the baud rate can not be generated within 3% of the desired value using the current clock an error will be generated.
#use rs232(baud=2400, xmit=PIN_A1, rcv=PIN_A2)
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_B2, INVERT, PARITY=O)

This directive creates an id that may be used as a short int (one bit). The id will reference an object at memory location x with the bit offset y. x may be a constant or another identifier, y must be a constant.

This directive creates an id that may be used as a int (one byte). The id will reference an object at memory location x. x must be a constant.

5.2 Built-in Functions

This will cause the program to wait 'time' microseconds. Where time is a constant it can be 0-65025. Variable delays can be 0-255. The 'use delay' directive must be used before this function can be used so the compiler knows the clock speed.

This will cause the program to wait 'time' milliseconds. Where time is a constant it can be 0-65535. Variable delays can be 0-255. The 'use delay' directive must be used before this function can be used so the compiler knows the clock speed.

This will create a delay of 'count' instruction cycles. 1 instruction cluck is 4 oscillator clocks. delay_cycles(1) is the same as a NOP

Issues the sleep instruction

This function returns the reason for the last processor reset. It will return one of: WDT_FROM_SLEEP, WDT_TIME_OUT, MCLR_FROM_SLEEP, NORMAL_POWER_UP

This function will restart the watchdog timer. If the watchdog timer is enabled, this function must be called periodically to prevent the processor from reseting

These set the output pin 'pin' low/high

This sets the specified pin to input mode. This allows the pin to float high on an open collector type of connection.

output_bit(pin, value)
This sets the given pin to the given value

This function returns the state of the given pin

X can be a, b, c, d or e This function allows a tri-state register to be written to directly. This must be used with the FAST_IO directive. Each bit in value represents a pin. 1 indicates the pin is input, 0 is for output.
set_tris_e(0x00); // set all of port e's pins to be output

This function sends a character over the rs232 xmit pin. The 'USE RS232' directive must appear before this call to determine the baud rate and pin to use.

This function gets a character over the rs232 rcv pin. The 'USE RS232' directive must appear before this call to determine the baud rate and pin to use.

This function returns true if the start bit of a character is being sent on the rs232 rcv pin. The 'USE RS232' directive must appear before this call to determine the baud rate and pin to use.

These functions enable/disable interrupts for the given level. To use an interrupt, a function must have been declared to handle that interrupt with the correct INT directive. The interrupt levels are: GLOBAL, ADC_DONE, RTCC_ZERO, RB_CHANGE, EXT_INT, INT_TIMER1, INT_TIMER2, INT_CCP1, INT_CCP2, INT_SSP, INT_PSP, INT_RDA, INT_TBE
disable_interrupts(GLOBAL); // turn off all interrupts

enable_interrupts(EXT_INT); // setup external interrupt call
enable_interrupts(GLOBAL); // activate all interrupts that have been setup

5.3 Other Information

There are lots of other built in functions and directives, but these should be enough to get you started. Most of the other functions/directives are to setup & use a specific piece of hardware like I2C or the timers.

To get to the (really bad) help that is built into the compiler run c:\picc\pcm.exe Then use the online help, if you can...

The compiler is installed in c:\picc and c:\picc\examples has all of the header files for the supported PICs and some example source code.

6. An Example

The following program flashes a LED
#include <16F84.H> // I am using this PIC

// high speed xtal, no watchdog, no code protect, and use power up timer 

// tell compiler clock is 10MHz.  This is required for DELAY_MS() 
// and for serial I/O, all of which use software delay loops.  
#use DELAY(clock=10000000)

// declare that we'll manually establish the data direction of 
// each I/O pin on port B.  #use fast_io(B) #define IRX_B_TRIS 0b00110000 
// setup directions

// make a def for easy reference to the right pin 
#define RED_LED PIN_B2 
// (output) Red LED (low true)

// Macros to simplify I/O operations 
#define RED_LED_ON output_low(RED_LED) 
#define RED_LED_OFF output_high(RED_LED)

// blink the LED on for 'on' ms, then off for 'off' ms 'x' times void
blink(int on, int off, int x) { 
  int i; 
  for (i=0; i < x; i++) { 
    RED_LED_ON; // turn on led 
    delay_ms(on); // wait 
    RED_LED_OFF; // turn of led 
    delay_ms(off); // wait 

void main() { 
// we want to use fast I/O so need to specify direction for pins 

  while (1) { // forever 
    blink(250, 125, 5); // blink 
   delay_ms(250); // wait a while 

The hardware that runs this program is rather simple

At the heart of this is a PIC16F84 (pin 1 is to the left)
It is powered by a 9V battery (far left)
A 5V voltage regulator (black component bottom right) drops the 9V from the battery to 5V for the PIC.
Next to the regulator is the LED in action.
On the top left corner of the bread board is the crystal (actually it is a ceramic resonator).

Only 6 pins of the PIC are connected. 2 for +5V and ground, 2 for the crystal, 1 for the LED and 1 for /MCLR.

The MIT Locust uses the PIC and the CCS compiler and is a good example of a 'real' project using the PIC. It also shows an example of using serial I/O on the PIC.
The IRX boards are a good base for the hardware needed for the PICs.

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